Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Selective Truth: Is Censorship A Coverup?
The Artist said the following:
"Apparently the topic of homosexuality is a bit much for the BYU audience and my part of our Fine Art Classes show was taken down today. It seems that censorship is favored over support and love. This really saddens me. I found out because a friend of mine went to the show and said that my peices had been removed and the show had been rearranged.
I photographed all the portraits using similar lighting and cropping. I also used a tilt shift lens to achieve selective focus, so that the subjects eyes are the only part of the image in focus. This was purposefully done to force the viewer to look in the eyes of these individuals. I hope that through this project we can realize that all men (and women) are created equal in the eyes of God."
Go to the "lord's university" and be censored by anyone who disagrees or thinks you are bringing in the devious thoughts and presuasions of the devil. So much for an unbiased education. Who am I kidding... since when was the LDS church unbiased.
Monday, September 28, 2009
My Transformation To The Dark Side Is Complete
I picked up The Mormon Cult - Jack B. Worthy and also Leaving the Saints - Martha Beck. I guess you could say I'm reading in soft cover form instead of just online, true "anti" literature - gasp. Of course if you don't believe all of the religious horse pucky known as Mormonism does that still make it anti? I always find it funny that anything not written by a member or general authority that defends the purity and truthfulness of the LDS church is instantly tossed in to the "anti" bin and is surely Satan trying to steal away souls from the one and only true church. Sorry Catholics, Mormons use that phrase with so much more conviction and righteous indignation.
At any rate Jack Worthy's mission story was a nice quick read and I'm in to the 4th chapter of Martha Beck's rather thick book. Strange how invigorating reading other's journeys away from the [one true church to rule them all] can be. Perhaps I should write a book too.
Still to be read... No More Goodbyes - Carol Lynn Pearson, among many other good "anti" books sure to confine me to the hottest pits of hell - as if being gay wasn't the express there already.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Legislating Morality
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fanning The Flames With Fear And Misunderstanding
The church and pointing the finger of who is to blame angers me. The gay community by and large is not trying to force any religion in to anything it cannot uphold. Is it the LDS church's goal to over throw same sex marriages in countries it already proselytizes in? How hypocritical for them to mandate that it is acceptable to overthrow any sort of same sex union just because it aligns with their religious view point, while having the audacity to state that those seeking same sex marriages are trying to reduce or limit the rights of heterosexual marriage. Complete and utter bull s**t. And if that's not enough to go so far as to suggest that it will erode liberty if gay marriage is permitted. Is the LDS church going to stage revolutions in each country it wants to control marital equality in? Elder Nelson I'm calling you on the carpet for trying to exercise unrighteous dominion. May separation of church and state be forever rooted in our government.
In Elder Russell M. Nelson recent address The Family: The Hope for the Future of Nations he states
Furthermore, those who seek to undermine traditional marriage and family would effectively limit the rights of those who do uphold the sanctity of these institutions. This consequence leads to another major concern— the eventual erosion of religious liberty, including the liberty to defend, promote, and practice traditional family values.(7)
7. In countries where same-gender marriage is adopted with no religious exemptions, all religions could eventually be required to perform gay marriages or to accept gay priests—even when that violates their most basic doctrines.
Being Alone Sucks
Monday, September 21, 2009
Choice or Innate
While my convert dad doesn't necessarily agree with the lifestyle, despite being a psychiatric practitioner, he is able to be accepting and loving of me as the son I always will be. To the point of being able to "welcome a friend" of mine into his home. My dear sweet sister is a little less open at this point.
While she was not surprised when I came out to her the message of acceptance of my homosexuality was clearly not favorable. It went even to the point of expected behavior should I ever decide to visit them (not any time soon), that I would not try to convince her children that being gay is ok... as if I were some sort of deviant. It always hurts when a family member you come out to treats you as a foreigner once you share your secret. Sad how the cloak of Mormonism and doing unto others only seems to apply when you are straight. As soon as the wild card of gayness gets played all bets are off.
Really it does come down to being true followers of Christ and being able to love unconditionally. Good Mormons often come from the "hate the sin, love the sinner camp." But of course such action is conditional love. We as human beings aren't able to compartmentalize the actions or choices of the ones we love from their identity. This is where so many LDS people fall short of their discipleship. As long as the status quo is appeased then there is no issue. I hope in at least my situation the some time and thought will bring other family members around. To at least realize that I'm still the same person. Being gay does not make me a criminal, pedophile, promiscuous, or just plain distrustful. Neither does it mean I intend to recruit your children in to being gay. No, it's not a communicable disease.
I only hope others will give pause to ponder the true example of love and fellowship Christ gave.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Courting the Muse
For many years I've been working in a sacred choral mode and most of my official output was in choir/organ works. When creation grinded to a halt with little outlet to use those works the desire to write anything went with it. Musical creativity was limited to improvised music on Sunday at the "informal service" where I would essentially create all music not sung on the fly. While that is all well and good my desire for more musical structure wasn't being met. So this opportunity to create a powerful show and use all of my composer/orchestrator skills is one I can't turn up - especially with the subject matter of the show. Sorry I can't tell yet...
What is so interesting is how the muse and the way it works is different then before. It's like a new relationship. Before everything was very linear, through composed, start at the beginning and work until the end. Now inspiration is coming at the most strange of times and not necessarily at what I would consider the beginning of a song. It's little bit of a dance and challenge coming up with the score, but then realizing that I've just created a nice chorus or hook, and not the beginning verse. Most unusual for me. But so it goes - with several numbers in creative production and at the same time too.
Any good musical theater actors/ musicians want a gig? This one is going to be demanding in all musical and theatrical senses.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Musical theater at its finest
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Get your true name here
What follows the storm
It had me pondering about my own storms just a little bit. With out the stormy weather there can be no growth. Without the nourishment of the rains there can be no rejuvenation of life. Even the cleansing of the air with the ionization brought by the lightning. Without a little stormy precipitation there would be nothing but desolate dryness.
I quickly started associating this little analogy to my own storms of the last 8 months. I keep asking, "God, why is this so difficult? Why are things going this way?" And today the answer became clear. You are being nourished for further growth... After the rains the sun will come out and you will flourish, just as you were created to do.